專任師資 – 李文志
教師姓名 | 李文志 | |
職稱 | 教授 | |
學歷 | 國立體育大學運動教練研究所博士 | |
專長 | 運動觀光、冒險觀光、高地生理 | |
研究室 | A101(體育室辦公室) | |
電話 | (02)2236-8225轉分機83061 | |
wjlee@mail.shu.edu.tw | ||
學術研究 |
- Chia M1, Liao CA, Huang CY, Lee WC, Hou CW, Yu SH, Harris MB, Hsu TS, Lee SD, Kuo CH. (2013). Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers: role of blood perfusion to skeletal muscles. Chin J Physiol. 56(1):18-25.(SCI期刊)
- Wang, T. Y., Chan, K. H., Ho, J. F., Lee, W. C., & Hsu, M. C. (2012). Effects of consecutive 7-day high- and moderate-intensity training on endurance determinants and muscle damage in basketball players. International Sport Med Journal, 13(1), 18-28.
- Chen MT, Lee WC, Chen SC, Chen CC, Chen CY, Jensen J, Kuo CH. (2010) . Effect of a prolonged altitude expedition on glucose tolerance and abdominal fatness. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. , 81(4): 472–477. (SCI期刊)
- Chen CH, Liu YF, Lee SD, Lee WC, Tsai YL, Hou CW; Huang CY, Kuo CH(2009). Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart. High Altitude Medicine & Biology , 10(1): 83-86. (SCI期刊)
- Lee CL, Cheng CF, Lee WC, Lin JC. (2007). The acute effects of inhaling different concentration of oxygen on heart rate variability after exhaustive exercise. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, (1):56-64. (SCI觀察期刊)
- Huang YJ, Chen MT, Fang CL, Lee WC, Yang SC, Kuo CH. (2006). A possible link between exercise-training adaptation and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate- an oldest-old female study. International Journal of Medical Sciences. 3(4):141-7. (SCI期刊)
- Tsai YL, Hou CW, Liao YH, Chen CY, Lin FC, Lee WC, Chou SW, Kuo CH. (2006). Exercise training exacerbates tourniquet ischemia-induced decrease in GLUT4 expression and muscle atrophy in rats. Life Sciences. 78(25):2953-9. (SCI期刊)
- SM Chen, JS Wang, WC Lee, CW Hou, CY Chen, YH Laio, CH Lin, and CH Kuo. (2006). Validity of the 3 min step test in moderate altitude: environmental temperature as a confounder. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 31(6): 726-30. (SCI期刊)
- Lai CH, YL, Chou SW, Lin FC, Chen CY, Chen SM, Lee WC, Liao YH, and Kuo CH.(2006). Characteristics of glycemic control in asthmatic Taiwanese children. Pediatric Exercise Science. 17: 261-271. (SCI期刊)
- Lee WC, Chen SM, Wu MC, Hou CW, Lai YC, Laio YH, Lin CH, Kuo CH. (2006). The role of dehydroepiandrosterone levels on physiologic adaptations to chronic mountaineering activity. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 7(3):228-36. (SCI期刊)
- Yang SC, Chen CY, Liao YH, Lin FC, Lee WC, Cho YM , Chen MC, Chou CH and Kuo CH. (2005). Interactive effect of an acute bout of resistance training and DHEA administration on glucose tolerance and serum lipids in middle-aged women. Chinese Journal of Physiology 48(1): 1-7, 2005 (SCI期刊)
- Chiu LL, Lee WC, Cho YM, Ho HY, Chen SM, Chen MC, Tsai IL. (2005). Acute effect of exercise-hypoxia challenge on GLUT4 protein expression in rat cardiac muscle. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 6(3):256-62 . (SCI期刊,NSC 89-2320-B-154-00)
- Lee WC, Chen JJ, Hunt D, Hou CW, Lai YC, Lin FC, Chen CY, Lin CH, Liao YH, and Kuo CH. (2004). Effects of hiking at altitude on body composition and insulin sensitivity in recovery drug addicts. Preventive Medicine 39 (4): 681-688. (SSCI期刊,NSC 89-2320-B-154-00).
- Lee WC, Chen JJ, Hou CW, Ho HY, Liang MP, Sen YW, and Kuo CH. (2003) . Short-term altitude mountain living improves glucose tolerance. High Altitude Medicine & Biology 4, 81-91. (SCI期刊,NSC 89-2320-B-154-00)
- Chen JM, Lai YC, Shen YW, Ho HY, Chen MC, Lee WC, Kao CL, Kuo CH(2003). Exercise-induced immediate improvement in glucose tolerance is sport-specific. Annual Journal of Physical Education & Sport Science 2002,47-54。
- Hou CW, Chou SW, Ho HY, Lee WC, Lin CH, and Kuo CH. (2003). Effect of exercise training and growth hormone administration on glucose tolerance and muscle GLUT4 protein expression. Journal of Biomedical Science 10: 689-696, 2003. (SCI期刊,NSC 89-2320-B-154-003-)
- 楊孫錦、李文志、侯建文、王三財、林勁宏(2014)。登山期間口服硫化脫氫異雄固酮鹽對生心理壓力指標及肌肉流失的影響。 運動教練科學 36,47 – 63頁。
- 李文志、張惟翔、侯建文、徐欣億(2012) 。運動後氧氣供應對肝醣回補之影響。大專體育學刊,14卷4期,483-491頁。
- 李文志、許東雄、劉德智、劉宜承、徐欣億(2010) 。運動肌肉損傷對血糖代謝與細胞激素的影響。大專體育學刊,12卷2期,87-94。
- 廖興洲 ; 何正峰 ; 莊國禎 ; 李麗珍 ; 陳文成 ; 李文志 ; 蔡一鳴(2010) 。單次高強度間歇訓練後高濃度氧氣恢復對葡萄糖代謝之影響。大專體育學刊,12卷2期,79-86。
- 何正峰、徐欣億、楊孫錦、蔡櫻蘭、王再彬、李文志(通訊作者)(2009)。三天登山活動對荷爾蒙與胰島素敏感度的影響。台灣運動生理暨體能學報。第九輯,20-28頁。
- 徐欣億、李文志、何正峰、羅仁駿(2009) 。二週不同強度訓練對代謝適能及自律神經系統之影響。大專體育學刊,11卷1期,105-116頁。
- 何正峰、李文志、王錠堯(2009)。兩週不同型態跑步訓練對有氧及無氧耐力之影響。台灣運動生理暨體能學報。第八輯,81-89頁。
- 吳明杰、蔡櫻蘭、李文志、郭家驊(2006)。熱量限制與運動對延緩老化的效益。台灣運動生理暨體能學報,4卷,13-20頁。
- 許東雄、周麗卿、王榮錫、陳慕聰、李文志、林方晴、陳宗與、郭家驊(2004)。大學體育教師與一般教師代謝適能之差異研究。教練科學,4卷,174-158頁。
- 周家豪、何忠鋒、李文志、林勁宏、楊孫錦、許東雄、王榮錫、郭家驊(2004) 。不同年齡層在「運動體適能」與「代謝適能」之差異研究。體育學報,37卷,11-21頁。
- 許東雄 周麗卿 王榮錫 陳慕聰 李文志 林方晴 陳宗與 郭家驊(2004) 。大
學體育教師與一般教師代謝適能之差異 教練科學,4卷,147-158頁。 - 李文志 陳重榮 梁明本 陳俊忠(2002)。攀登聖母峰過程對心肺功能的影響 航空醫學暨科學期刊,16卷, 27-32頁。
- Jia-Ling Lee, Wen-Chih Lee, Hong-Hsu Yen, Pei Xuan Luo. (2015). Using music sets & fitness apps to promote students’ sport behaviors. World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 1467-1472).
- Jia-Ling Lee, Wen-Chih Lee, Hong-Hsu Yen, Chieh-Ling Wang, Sun-Chin Yang, Pei Xuan Luo. (2015). Motivate students’ sport behaviors with SNS & fitness App, World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 1458-1466).
- Hong-Hsu Yen, Jia-Ling Lee, Wen-Chih Lee, Zong-Ru Fei. (2015). A Novel Ubiquitous Workout Training and Education Framework. World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 1943-1950).
- Wen-Chih Lee, Hsin-Yi Hsu , Cheng-Feng Ho, Sun-Chin Yang, John L. Ivy, FACSM, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2014). Hyperoxia Accelerates Post-exercise Glycogen Storage In Human Skeletal Muscle. 60th American College of Sports Medicine . (獲國科會補助,出席60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Hsin-Yi Hsu , Cheng-Feng Ho, Sun-Chin Yang, John L. Ivy, FACSM, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2012). Effect Of Post-exercise Oxygen Supply On Heart Rate Variability And Hemodynamic Change. 59th American College of Sports Medicine .
- Wen-Chih Lee, Hsin-Yi Hsu , Cheng-Feng Ho, Sun-Chin Yang, John L. Ivy, FACSM, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2011). The Effects Of Hypoxia Training On Muscle Oxygen Saturation. 58th American College of Sports Medicine . (獲國科會補助,出席58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Hsin-Yi Hsu , Cheng-Feng Ho, Sun-Chin Yang, John L. Ivy, FACSM, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2010). Effect Of Ambient Oxygen Status On Muscle Glycogen, AMPK, CAMKII And GLUT4 Protein Expression During Post-exercise Recovery Period. 57th American College of Sports Medicine . (獲國科會補助,出席57th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Hsin-Yi Hsu , Cheng-Feng Ho, Sun-Chin Yang, John L. Ivy, FACSM, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2009). Effect Of Hyperoxia Recovery After Different Intensity Training On Glucose Tolerance. 56th American College of Sports Medicine . (獲國科會補助,出席56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Mei-Chih Chen, John L. Ivy, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2008). Effect of oxygen concentration on glucose tolerance and cortisol level during postexercise recovery. 2008 American College of Sports Medicine .
- Wen-Chih Lee, Wei-Shiang Lin, Mei-Chih Chen, Jung-Shi Wang, Kuo-Lung Ho, John L. Ivy, FACSM, Chia-Hua Kuo. (2007). Effect of ambient oxygen status on liver and muscle glycogen storages during post-exercise recovery period(2007) American College of Sports Medicine (獲國科會補助,出席54th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Ching-Hung Lin , Kuo-Chang Hung, Chih-Yuan Lin, and Chia-Hua Kuo. (2006). Effect of mountaineering on glucose tolerance and erythropoietin: Role of DHEA-S. 2006 American College of Sports Medicine (獲國科會補助,出席53th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Chien-Wen Hou, Fon-Chin Lin, Chon-Yu Chen, Li-Ling Chiu, and Chia-Hua Kuo. (2005). Acute Effect of Exercise-Hypoxia Challenge on GLUT4 Protein Expression in Rat Cardiac Muscle. XXXV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES(獲國科會補助,出席第三十五屆國際生理學研討會)
- Chia-Lun Lee, Ching-Feng Cheng, Wen-Chih, Lee. (2005). The effect of inhaling different concentration of oxygen after maximal exercise on the heart rate variability.。第四屆「華人運動生理及體適能學者學會」年會暨「優秀運動員的健康與科學訓練」學術研討會
- Wen-Chih Lee, Fon-Chin Lin, Chon-Yu Chen , and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2004). Effect Of 25-Day Altitude Hiking On Glucose Tolerance In Obese Individuals18th World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education(獲國科會補助,出席第十八屆世界健康促進與健康教育會議)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Chien-Wen Hou, Fon-Chin Lin, Chon-Yu Chen, Li-Ling Chiu, and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2003). Effect of twenty-five day mountaineering on body composition and glucose tolerance. 2003 European Congress of Sport Medicine.(獲國科會補助,2003年歐洲運動醫學會議)
- Chen C. J., Lee W. C., Yen S.K., Chen J.J., Kuo C.H.(2003). Intermittent hypoxia elevates glucose tolerance and endurance performance in soccer player. 2003 European Congress of Sport Medicine.
- Chia-Hua Kuo, Li-Ling Chiu, Yu-Min Cho, Hsin-Yi Ho, and Wen-Chih Lee. (2003). Hypoxia as a new tool for improving glucose tolerance. 2003 European Congress of Sport Medicine.
- Wen-Chih Lee, Chien-Wen Hou, Yu-Chiang Lai, Fang-Ching Lin, Tzung-Yu Chen, Yu-Min Cho, and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2003). Effect of altitude hiking on insulin sensitivity in individual recovered from drug addiction. 2003 AIESEP International Congress.
- Sun-Chin Yang, Wen-Chih Lee, Chia-Hou Chou, Chien-Wen Hou, Li-Ching Chou and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2003). Effect of three day mountaineering on glucose tolerance and testosterone. 2003 AIESEP International Congress.
- Kuei-Chien Peng, Yu-Min Cho, Wen-Chih Lee, Jung-Shi Wang, Li-Ling Chiu, Hsin-Yi Ho, Chien-Wen Hou, and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2003). Exercise-induced Stress Hormone Responses to Fitness in Mild Altitude.2003 AIESEP International Congress.
- Yi-hung Liao, Chien-Wen Hou, Wen-Chih Lee, Jung-Shi Wang, Kuei-Chia Peng, Fang-Ching Lin, Tzung-Yu chen , Jin-jong Chen, and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2003). Variation in Glucose Tolerance and Insilin Response Between Wrestler and Track Althetes. 2003 AIESEP International Congress.
- Kuei-Chia Peng, Yu-Min Cho, Wen-Chih Lee, Jung-Shi Wang, Li Ling Chiu, Hsin-Yi responses to fitness test in mild attitude. (2003). 2003 AIESEP International Congress.
- Fang-Ching Lin, Guei-Shian Pon, Chien-Wen Hou, Wen-Chih Lee, Yu-Chiang Lai, Tzung-Yu Chen, Jung-Shi Wang and Chia-Hua Kuo.(2003). Temperature and altitude as a confounding factor for Taiwan national health-rellated fitness test- a preliminary data..2003 AIESEP International Congress.
- Jin- Jong Chen and W. C. Lee. (2002). Effects of 55 days Everest expedition chronic hypoxia exposure. V World Congress on Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology.
- Chien-Wen Hou, Hsin-Yi Ho, Ching-Hung Lin, Shih-Wei Chou, Wen-Chih Lee and Chia-Hua Kuo. (2002). Chronic growth hormone treatment partially simulated training effect on muscle GLUT4 protein expression.2002 AIESEP International Congress.
- Yu-Chiang Lai, Yih-Wen Shen, Hsin-Yi Ho, Mei-Chi Chen, Jr-Ming Chen, Wen-Chih Lee, Chia-Hua Kuo.(2002). Exercise-induced improvement in glucose tolerance is sport-specific.2002 AIESEP International Congress.
- Che-Hung Lin, Chia-Yung Wang, Li-Ling Chiu, Yu-Chu Lu, Hsin-Yi Ho, Wen-Chih Lee, Chia-Hau Chou, Chia-Hua Kuo.(2002). Effect of Tai Chi Chuan training on glycemic control.2002 AIESEP International Congress.
- Wen-Chih Lee, Chen Jin-Jong, Hsin-Yi Ho, Chien-Wen Hou, Ming-Pen Liang, and Chia-Hua Kuo. (2002). Three-day mountain activity enhances glucose tolerance. 2002 AIESEP International Congress (獲國科會補助,於2002年國際高等教育體育協會國際會議會議中發表)
- Wen-Chih Lee, Shiun-Ping Lin, Chung-Jung Chen, Ming-Pen Liang, Chia-Hua Kuo, Jin-Jong Chen.(2002). Relationship between hypoxic tolerance and cardiopulmonary functions in trained mountain-climbers. V World Congress on Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology. (獲行政院體育委員會補助,於2002年第五屆國際登山醫學與高地生理會議發表)
- 李文志(2016)運動後不同氧氣濃度恢復對醣類代謝的影響。中華醫學會第八次高原醫學學術大會暨第一屆海峽兩岸高原(山)醫學高峰論壇。
- 李文志(2016)運動後不同氧氣濃度恢復對心跳變異率與血液動力學之影響。台灣運動營養學會學年會。
- 李佳玲、李文志(2015)以音樂作為運動訓練師之探索性研究。 The CCS 2015 Conference and the 12th conference of communication and media ecology.
- 簡豪志、廖興洲、李文志、郭家驊(2008)。不同間歇訓練強度後吸入高氧恢復對心率變異度之影響。2008體育運動學術團體年會暨學術研討會
- 何正峰、王錠堯、李文志(2008) 。The effect of high intensity interval training for consecutive 7days on lactate thresholds and running economy. 第七屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會暨學術大會
- 李文志、楊孫錦、羅仁駿、黃文成、何正峰、祁崇溥(2007)。高地訓練對高中田徑選手耐力運動表現的影響。96年度大專體育學術專刊(研討會論文)
- 李文志、吳明杰、楊孫錦、何正峰、郭家驊(2007)。登山活動對腫瘤壞死因子α與葡萄糖耐受度之影響。中華民國體育學會九十四年度體育學術論文發表會
- 歐正明、何正峰、黃俊發、王潔玲、李文志(2005)。二十五天登山活動對紅血球生成素與血液組成之影響。2005 International Conference on Sport Pedagogy.
- 李文志、楊孫錦、陳慕聰、侯建文、林順萍(2005)。腎上腺皮質醇濃度與身體質量指數對代謝適能的影響。2005年運動生理與體能領域學術研討會
- 李文志、張惟翔、楊孫錦、賴愈強、林方晴、郭家驊(2004)。超級馬拉松對葡萄糖耐受度及胰島素敏感度之影響。2004臺灣運動生理暨體能學會年會暨學術研討會
- 李文志 林順萍 陳重榮 梁明本 郭家驊 陳俊忠(2002)。登山能力與心肺功能、低氧耐受性之相關研究 中華民國體大專院校九十一年度體育學術研討會(下)442-450頁。(獲行政院體委會九十一年度運動科學研究及發展第一類獎勵甲等)
- 李文志、陳重榮、林勁宏、梁明本 梁明本、陳俊忠(2002)。長期登山活動對心肺功能與身體組成之影響。中華民國體育學會91年度體育學術論文發表會。
- 李文志 黃奕仁 陳重榮 陳俊忠(2002)。規律運動與山區活動經驗對健行能力之影響 中華民國體大專院校九十一年度體育學術研討會(下)432-441頁。
- 李文志、林勁宏、楊孫錦、周家豪、郭家驊(2002)。三天高地登山活動對葡萄糖耐受度與壓力荷爾蒙的影響。輔仁大學91學年度體育學術研討會
- 李文志 蔡秀芳 蔣至傑(2001) 。世新大學學生參加體適能團隊運動班之效果分析 中華民國體大專院校九十年度體育學術研討會318-325頁。
- 李文志 蔡秀芳 王潔玲(2000) 。世新大學新生體適能之研究 中華民國體大專院校八十九年度體育學術研討會185-190頁。
- 李文志 陳俊忠(1996)。常壓低氧與常壓常氧模擬登山訓練對運動表現與生理反應的影響。中華民國大專院校八十五年度體育學術研討會專刊,607-633頁。(獲國科會八十五年乙種論文獎)